Yesterday was a huge day in our world. The day we met the surgical team at the Royal Brompton for my daughter Aashima. We had been waiting to meet with them to see what they were going to say.....
Two years back Aashima was born with various major congenital heart problems, she had 2 operations at her birth, but we knew that was a just a temporary fix, and in fact the big fix would have to occur sooner rather than later.
That big fix is now due to happen later this year, in October or November, and to be honest I have never been more scared of anything in my life. Yes, you heard that right, I am scared.....shitless. Not much fazes me, except concern for my children.
She has lived a really full 2 years bringing so much joy to us all, but now very soon she must undergo major open heart surgery so she can continue living life to the max!
We have done our research, spoken to doctors, and we know she is one of the best places to have the surgery, but open heart surgery on a 2 year old is not fun.
The planned procedure to be carried out is called a Rastelli procedure and is a 7-9 hour operation, whereby the heart will be stopped and she will be put onto a Heart-Lung Machine. If all goes well (which it will) she will be out of hospital after 10 -14 days. Part of the procedure involves putting in a conduit into her heart, this will require replacing later in life too.
Aashima and my wonderful Parus are my inspiration. They are everything to me. I do feel very blessed with everything and everyone I have in my life, but to take my daughter and allow for open heart surgery to be carried out on her is a responsibility i thought i would never have to face. But those are the cards i have been dealt with, and now I must play the game to win, for the sake of my wonderful daughter, Aashima.
Finally, if anyone reading this blog knows of anyone who has undergone the Rastelli procedure ( i know it is very rare indeed) please can they contact me directly on arun@samera.co.uk