This will be the day she undergoes her rastelli procedure. At the moment she is looking fantastic and the picture of great health. She is attending nursery, causing lots of trouble and being what a 2 year old should be!
On the face of it, she looks like a normal petite 2 year old girl, however as with many CHD (congential heart defects) children, its her little heart inside that is causing both her and us the pain.
Only last week we were back at the Brompton Hospital, and I was wondering does she really need the big op? To me she looks fine, but in my own heart, i know she needs it to give her the best chance of living a full life.
She knows that she has a heart problem but is completely unaware of the impending heart surgery.
I wake up most days (smita does too) thinking about this big day as it draws closer.....There is not much we can do, so we try to block out the impending event by keeping ourselves busy with other things....but it is always lingering there.
When the big day comes, i really am dreading signing the release form, and then holding her down to administer the GA.
According to her cardiologist, she will be home within 10 days!!! I truly pray this will turn out be routine rastelli, so we can all have some fun!