This last week has been eventful as ever. Around the UK, a session with Seth Godin, a visit to the Science Museum (well it is half term) and then back to the office.
As you all may know, I have huge respect for Seth Godin, a true business visionary. I don't know the guy, but it is his thinking and vision that has helped me develop my whole business (not just marketing) strategy.
He is the one that has helped me grow a business from a bedroom to over 30 employees in 5 years, and growing strong. So let me give you my view of Seth's London session and a summary of his great insight.
Seth's London Session
Barbara and I were luckily enough to see Seth on Tuesday afternoon, along with 400 other people, including a few familiar faces in dentistry.
The room was packed with MBA's from Microsoft, IBM and advertising agencies, whilst there were a few of us individual entrepreneurs. The audience was pretty much wearing a standard uniform of edgy glasses, brown shoes, jeans (yes i was one of them too - however barbara stood out as ever in funky orange clothes!)
So what did we learn?
As an avid reader of all of his books and his daily blog, to be honest I did not learn anything I did not know, however, it was great to see him discuss his thoughts.
For those of you not familiar with Seth, let me give you a synopsis!
"Too Important to be left for the Marketing Department"
The marketing department is a thing of the past. Rather than create average products/services and have a marketing department try and flog them to the masses, we now live in an era of innovation. Average products will not survive.
We need to be pioneers and go to the edges of our ability and create such wonderful products/services that people will seek out. Just take Apple as an example.
Seth argues that the marketing budget should now be part of the R&D and Design budget. I do happen to agree with him. The days of creating average products and services and then trying to market them via the normal media of tv and newspapers is well and truly over. Do you remember the last newspaper advert you read? Probably not.
The Internet allows people to search, assess and form an opinion with their keyboards in just seconds. People are either seeking the best or the cheapest. Anything in between, is just not interesting. In addition, in the era of Web 2.0 consumers and users are now interacting with other users to assess a product or service. The power is now firmly in the customers hands NOT the providers.
Now is the time for Innovation. This is not a choice for most organisations but a matter of survival across all industry sectors. Just like Stephenson changed how we travel with the steam engine, the Internet, especially this second Web 2.0 phase will change how we interact and communicate with eachother. Embrace it, it is here to stay with us.
Advertising is a Dead Man's Game
So how do you get new customers? Surely I must still advertise? Well yes you can advertise your products and services, but really the truth of the matter comes from what is profitable for your business. Should you be investing hard earned resources into adverts, or using that money to develop your products/services, innovate and create something special?
I know the latter is the only way to survive and win, especially in this economic climate. In his book, Permission Marketing (which is actually over 10 years old), Seth argues that marketing is like dating, in that we need to turn strangers into friends. The only approach to doing this successfully takes time. Communication required to turn strangers into friends must be Anticipated, Relevant and Personal - is your communication like this?
Leading a Tribe
In Seth's final book, Tribes, he argues the world needs people to step up to challenges we face. To lead and not follow. Obama became President by creating a tribe. Now it is down to you to create your own tribe. They want you to lead them.
Business and marketing (in fact life) today requires individuals whom are ready to step out of their comfort zone to experiment, fail and lead. Are you up for this challenge, as this will require you to lead and create a tribe to follow you!
Go build your tribe!
You can learn much more about Seth Godin by reading his great books. Check out the Samera booklist for details.
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