Friday, October 24, 2008

Time out

There are times when your head is about to is one of them. After a manic few months, half term is here, and more than welcome for some R&R. By being a business owner it is sometimes very difficult to switch off, and previous breaks have never really turned into breaks as you are on the email and phone back to the office.

This half term is different. No email, no phone....just me, smita and the kids. I can't wait. However, watch out team, i will be back with lots of new challenge and hopefully inspire! If you are off for half term, turn that phone off and forget the laptop.

No blog for a week either, unless i have something desperate to say.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Five Common Traits of an Entrepreneur

1. Never switching off
2. Always thinking of the next big thing
3. Always looking for an opportunity, somewhere, some how
4. Boring others with your amazing or bizarre ideas
5. Never giving up, even in the face of adversity

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Journey....

All too often one focuses on the destination rather than the journey. Yet the journey is the most important thing, as one may never arrive at the destination.

We work hard to achieve our goals, but sometimes forgetting we need to enjoy the process of reaching our goals.

All too often we get so involved in the destination that the journey is forgotten or lost. Try something different, know your destination, but start enjoying the journey today, not tomorrow.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Time = The New Currency

This is the current name of this blog. It may change as my thoughts further develop. The whole point of such a name is based around working less and having more. More time to do the things you want to do without the constraints of things such as money. No i am not denouncing having money, in fact the opposite, money allows you plenty of freedom. But how much money does one really need?

Our parents generation was about working hard and then retiring. Our generation is about living now, as we may never make retirement. Why work 40 years and then try and see the world when you are old and potentially ill. This model of employment is still strong and prevalent in today's society, but i feel there is a better way to enjoy the wonderful world we have here right now.

There is no need to come a criminal to make money and retire early, but by adopting a strategy of building "Passive Income Streams" makes work more fun, more exciting and less time consuming. For the last 5 years i have been building my businesses not to be money rich, but more importantly time rich, so i can take my kids to school, so i can take plenty of time out, so i can work just a few days per week whilst the business continues to grow. Again i am not talking about capitalism either, but infact thinking about what you want, and then designing the life you desire.

It really is possible to design the life you want, but you just need to be willing to take the massive action to really make it happen. Are you really up for the challenge?

Happy Sunday

These are the important days in life, ones to spend with your family. We had a blast at the Setting up in practice course yesterday, dentists from all over the UK keen and eager to set the world alight with their ideas. I am sure most of them will do it....but what do they need to achieve their goals?
1. Passion and Vision
2. Taking Action
3. Monitoring their performance

Will they do all 3? Some will, but some will not take action, either because fear may set in, or their peers tell them it won't work. What doe their peers know anyway? My view is if you don't try, you will never know.....Make it happen, as life is only once, despite being a hindu and believing in reincarnation.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Setting Up In Practice...Tomorrow!

How day to go, for a rip roaring adventure in setting up in practice. We are so excited to be holding this course. The future is bright, the future is exciting, the future is yours!!

lets rip!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Only yesterday i went to a software event which was for accountants...yes you guessed dull? How many types of payroll software can one want or buy? How many types of accountancy software does one really want? yes we want good functionality, and a great price but not 100 types of similar software. Don't these people realise that when in business one must differentiate themselves. After one hour I left feeling very disappointed.