Friday, February 6, 2009

The $10 Laptop

The $10 Laptop??? Otherwise known as Sakshat!

Is this a joke or a reality? The Indian government believe they are about to launch a $10 laptop, something that will be accessible to all people in India. The skeptics believe this is just hype considering the cost of the components of a laptop...but in probability it will be a $10 laptop (that costs $100 to make) which will be heavily subsidised by the government. The first pictures show that it looks nothing like a laptop...but you never know, things may improve!

Whatever the cost, the idea and concept is sheer brilliant. Those in the 3rd world more than anyone else in the world will have the ability to use the laptop to communicate, share and ultimately develop. I do hope this hype turns in to reality for the many millions who live on just $1 a day! This along with many other social developments will change their world forever. Things are changing very quickly...whatever next???

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